Love and Caring Words

With Valentine’s Day approaching, this time of year is perfect for letting your loved ones know how much they mean to you. The following love-themed Dakota words and phrases are terms of affection. Next time you want to express your affection for someone you love, say it in Dakota!
- Tecinḣinda – I love you
- Nina tecinḣinda – I really love you
- Niye mitawa – You are mine
- Tu we wastewadake – Lover
- Miye ohniyan nitawa kte – I am always yours
- Niye iyotan waste cidake – You are special to me
- Niye Tecinhinda ȯta – Lots of love for you
- Niye Wastecidaka ȯta – I like you lots
- Niye ataya wa’ste ḣca – You are perfect
- Niye mi iṡta dukapa – You caught my eye
- Mato mitawa – My bear
- Cante tanka – Big heart
- Micante iyacu – You take my heart
- Tecinḣinda wicawaka – Truly love you
- Niṡnana Tecinḣinda – I love you only
- Nisnana poskid bduza wacin – Just you I want to hold
- Poskid mayaduza – Hug me
- Ni panġeġe – You are amazing
- Micante ṡdo miya – You melt my heart
- Anpetude ciksu ya waun – Remembering you today
- Aḣpemayaṡni – Don’t leave me
- Micante iyacu – You have taken my heart
- Imaputaka – Kiss me