Dakota Winter Lifeways Matching Game
Throughout history, Dakota people have varied their work and activities to suit the seasons. By aligning their annual cycle of activities in accordance with the natural world, Dakota tribes were able to take advantage of the ecological diversity in the region and ensure successful subsistence.
While the winter was one of the hardest seasons of the year, it also was an opportunity to enjoy time with family and tell stories. This was also an important time to demonstrate wóokiya and check on elders and other family members and offer support. Other winter lifeways included arts, dance, moccasin making, sewing, trapping, hunting deer, and regalia making.
Can you match all these Dakota winter lifeways words to the English translation?
- Waniyetu
- Wáhiŋhe
- Caŋpopapi Wi
- Witehi Wi
- Wica Owe Wi
- Wani Wi Ipa
- Ta
- Mitiwahe
- Animals with antlers (deer)
- Snowing
- My family
- Winter
- Winter solstice
- Time of Hardship Moon
- Tree Popping Moon
- Tracks of the Raccoon Moon
Answers from top to bottom: Winter, Snowing, Tree Popping Moon, Time of Hardship Moon, Tracks of the Raccoon Moon, Winter solstice, Animals with antlers (deer), My family